Our portfolio is as diverse as your needs, therefore we can cater to your individual wishes and requirements and give you competent, professional advice. With our high level of motivation and expertise, you are in good hands on the search for your perfect musical instrument.
Wir bieten Ihnen einen Komplettservice für Ihr Klavier, Ihren Flügel oder Ihr Cembalo: Stimmen, Intonieren, Mechaniküberarbeitungen, Oberflächenreparaturen oder Generalüberholungen – unsere hochqualifizierten Techniker kümmern sich verantwortungsbewusst um Ihr Anliegen.
Wir sind spezialisiert auf den Einbau von Selbstspiel- und Silentsystemen in Klavieren und Flügeln. Als führender und erfahrenster Fachbetrieb, erhalten Sie bei uns kompetente Betreuung.
Wir transportieren Ihr Instrument fachmännisch und zuverlässig, ob innerhalb Ihres Hauses, zu einer neuen Adresse in der Region, deutschlandweit oder einem internationalen Ziel.
Wir lagern Ihr Instrument unter konstanten Klimabedingungen ein. Auf Wunsch wird dieses am Ende der Einlagerung nach Bedarf gereinigt, reguliert und gestimmt.
Sollte sich die Reparatur Ihres Instruments nicht mehr lohnen und Sie entscheiden, sich davon zu trennen, können wir für Sie auch diesen großen Schritt übernehmen und es fachgerecht entsorgen.
Wir bieten Ihnen professionellen Klavier-, Cello- und Gesangsunterricht. Wir unterrichten alle Altersstufen vom Anfänger bis zum fortgeschrittenen Musiker.
We offer you a complete service for your upright or grand piano. Whether tuning, intonation, action adjustment, piano case repairs or general overhauls our highly qualified technicians offer you expert advice, support and of course workmanship of the highest standard.
In addition to these “standard tasks” we also offer services in the following areas:
Does your upright or grand piano suffer as a result of a strongly fluctuating indoor climate or a climate that is too dry? We have a number of solutions for this problem:
To find out more about your piano, about its condition, the cost of a possible repair or its selling value, we are happy to assess your instrument and determine its value and / or the cost of any repairs.
You can hire upright and grand pianos from us for almost every occasion, whether for a concert, wedding, birthday party etc. We will arrange delivery and collection and a tuning on site. Talk to us and we will give you a quotation.
In addition, we can offer you an expert service and maintenance for your harpsichord. We will tune your instrument to the pitch of your choice or to the desired historical tuning.
Imagine the best concert pianists in the world, playing live in your own living room. With the installation of a self playing system in your upright or grand piano, this dream can become reality.
Thanks to the advanced technology of these systems, the quality of the tone reproduction is unprecedented. This can easily be controlled, for example, by a tablet.
With more than 4000 sampled pieces of music, you have a huge selection across every musical genre. With the optional installation of loudspeakers, you don’t only have to play solo piano works, but have the possibility to be accompanied by a symphony orchestra, jazz ensemble or rock band.
Another optional extra is the record function. You can record your performances and your piano will replay them exactly. The possibilities are almost endless.
Do you want to practice on your piano, at any volume and at any time of day or night without disturbing others? Then you’re at the right address! Using a silent system, your piano is muted and the music you play is played back through headphones. You can now play as loudly as you want, at any time, without bothering anyone. We can install most of the leading silent systems, however we highly recommend the systems from adsilent.
Due to his many years of employment at the company PianoDisc, Bernhard Riemer, owner of Musikhaus Piano Riemer, is one of the leading experts for Silent and Self-Playing Systems in Germany and Europe. Due to his immense experience, gathered by installing these systems into instruments of any price category, any size and any age, we can safely say that we can install this technology into circa 99% of all upright and grand pianos.
If you want to experience the full potential of you instrument, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
Would you like or do you need to move your upright or grand piano? We have the necessary experience and resources to move your instrument professionally, whether this is within your home, to a new address in the region, throughout Germany or to an international destination. We can help you.
We can find a solution even for the most difficult removals, for example, with the use of a mobile crane.
Please ask us and we will assess the situation on site and make you a personal quotation.
Are you moving house and don’t have enough room for your piano in your new home, but don’t want to part from your precious instrument? Or do you have to work abroad for a limited time and would like to put your piano into storage while you are away? Then you have come to the right place. We can store your instrument under constant climatic conditions. Upon request, we can clean you instrument professionally at the end of the storage duration and if needed, it can regulated and tuned.
A piano has a very long life (with the proper care, it can even last for several generations). However its life is still limited. Should your instrument no longer be worth repairing and you decide to part with it, we can assist you will this big step. We will take care that your instrument is disposed of in a proper and professional manner.
Would you like to learn an instrument or to improve your singing? We can help you.
On our premises in the Theresienstrasse in Ingolstadt, we offer professional piano, cello and voice lessons. We teach all ages and all standards, from beginners to advanced musicians.
Our music teachers are all highly qualified, not only having studied music, but having completing numerous additional courses and master classes. Alongside their many years of educational experience, our teachers also have extensive practical experience in a wide variety of musical genre and in many different concert venues.
Please contact us to arrange a consultation or trial lesson.
Take advantage of our customer-orientated and committed support. We are happy to advise you courteously and in detail on every issue, using our expertise of over 150 years experience.
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10:00-12:30 und 14:00-18:00
10:00-12:30 closed afternoon
10:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:00
10:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:00
10:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:00
Appointments possible at any time by appointment.
Musikhaus Piano Riemer
Theresienstraße 18
85049 Ingolstadt
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